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  • Writer's pictureKaecey McCormick

Poem: Agapanthus by Caroline Lindley

During National Poetry Month, I'm celebrating by sharing poems from community members and newsletter subscribers!

If you'd like to participate, send me 1-3 poems along with a brief third-person bio and a recent photo if desired.

To kick off the project, I'm sharing this lovely and poignant poem, "Agapanthus," written by Caroline Lindley of Cupertino, California:


when the agapanthus first blooms blue

it makes me think of her

and that funny joke

she used to tell about the gardener

who put up a sign that read

beware of the agapanthus

and it kept people off the grass

and thinking of her made me sad,

blue actually

so i thought i might write a poem

about why i was sad

thinking of her

but it keep escaping,

it blew away

but then I remembered

her knitting

a sweater for me

never making a mistake

no dropped stitches

it was blue

and when she was done

and looked at me —

and remembering him

tears came into her eyes

that everyone said

when they saw me

were blue like his


About the poet:

Caroline Lindley is a poetry enthusiast who is fortunate to live in Cupertino, California, where there is a vigorous poetry community. She has found inspiring poetry and good friends through its words. She always hopes the best for her poems and yours, too. You can read a selection of Caroline's poems in Celebrate Creativity: A Cupertino Community Anthology.

1 comentario

09 abr 2023

Love this - beautiful & poignant & tender.

Me gusta
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